I started cloth diapering my older daughter when she was 18 months old. My plan was to test out the diapers on my her and then
determine what worked best to use for her as well as my newborn. I spent about a month researching online and
talking to friends that use cloth to determine what brands I wanted to try
out. After deciding on brands, I
keep a log of all of my diaper changes so that I could analyze
the data later. Below is what I’ve
discovered and hopefully you can benefit from all the hard work J
All of the diapers that I tried out were used on my 18 month
old daughter who is tall and skinny (19 pounds and 31 inches) during a 2 month
period. I would consider her an “average
wetter” and very active. I did not try
use any diapers at night, so all results are based on day time activities and
naps. Please consider that all babies
are different so it will take some patience to find the right diaper that works
for your baby. Hopefully my experience
can help you decide what diapers are right to try out for your family.
After using disposable diapers for 18 months something that
was very important to me and especially my husband was a trim diaper that was
still absorbent enough to last at least 2 hours so I have included my husbands
“big booty” assessment for each diaper (1 being the trimmest and 5 being the
most bulky). Below is the review of the 13
different diapers across 11 different brands that I tested, in over 150 diaper
changes, in order of my favorite to my least favorite.
I have included pictures of my 18 month old in each diaper
to give a visual of the fit (Note that pictures are true “action shots” of the
diapers, you know what I mean if you have ever tried to photograph an 18 month
old!). As we have transitioned my
younger daughter from her newborn diapers to one size diapers, I have also
included a picture of her in any one size diapers reviewed here (she is 8 weeks
and about 10.5 pounds in the photos). These are just
for comparison as the results below are not based on her usage of the diapers. I did also add a note to each diaper with any thoughts based on my younger daughters usage.
Stash Shot:
Peachy Green:Stash Shot:
First two columns: 8 stay dry prefitteds, 5 fitteds, 2 covers
Third column: 3 Softbums, 1 size 1 Thirsties all in one, 2 Alvas
Fourth column: 8 Charlie Bananas
Fifth column: 5 Fuzzibunz, 1 Grovia All in One, 1 Sunbaby
Sixth column: 6 Peachy Greens (3 AIO and 3 AI2), 2 Kawaii
Last column: 3 Medium Simplex 2.0, 3 Medium Bottombumpers
Not shown: 3 Alvas, 1 prefitted, 1 cover, 1Charlie Banana, 1 Sunbaby
Number times of uses: 12
Number of leaks: 1 (at 3 hours)Longest wear without a leak: 2 hours, 45 minutes
Big Booty factor – All in One: 1
Big Booty factor – All in Two: 1
Best Use: Day time, out and about, tight clothing (e.g. leggings)
VERY trim, almost looks like a disposable· Comes in fun colors and patterns, new colors/patterns released every couple of months keeps it fun and interesting
· Absorbent natural materials
· All in Two version – the shell is reusable
· More expensive than other options
· Soaker can move around and has the potential for leaks
Peachy Green diapers are definitely my favorite of the ones that I tried out. This diaper is the trimmest of the diapers that I tried. I discovered Peachy Green diapers late in my trial but loved them from the beginning.
The Peachy Green sized diapers are very trim and fit
great. Although snap down one-size type diapers
are not my favorite the Peachy Green All in Two is still very trim especially
with a sized insert. I like All in Two
diapers, I appreciate that I can reuse the shell and that my laundry loads are
smaller. I did find that if my daughter pooped in this diaper that the mess
always got on the cover and therefore it could not be reused. Also although the upfront cost is more, the
cost “per change” is very reasonable.
Overall I loved Peachy Green diapers, with a narrow crotch,
thin but absorbent insert and thin finished back top of the diaper this diaper
is the closest to a disposable in size.
I also like that Peachy Green releases new colors and patterns a few
times a year thus keeps the line interesting (this also contributes to sought
after colors/prints that resell for more than the original price!). Although my husband really liked the fit, I
think that the all in two systems are not as husband or sitter/daycare friendly
and removing the insert might require touching a wet or dirty spot.
ETA: I have not used my Peachy Green diapers yet on my younger daughter and will wait for her to get a little bit longer before I do.
Swaddlebees Simplex
2.0 (size Medium)
Number of uses: 6
Number of leaks: 0Longest wear without a leak: 2 hours, 45 minutes
Big Booty factor - 1
Best Use - Day time, out and about
Very trim diaper· Insert can be stuffed in pocket or laid in diaper, stuffing keeps insert from bunching
· Cute prints
· More expensive than other options
· Existing prints are cute but limited
I had heard a lot about Swaddlebees Simplex 2.0 diapers but
I was hesitant to try one out due to the price.
In the end curiosity got the best of me and I ordered 2 of them! While I have only used them a few times I
love the diaper and am very glad that I finally ordered some. The diaper is super trim and the Medium fits
my daughter really well. I like that it
is an all in one that has the soaker only partially sewn in (making for a
faster drying time) but that it can be stuffed into a pocket to keep it in
place. Another great feature is that the
pocket is open on both ends, so that it agitates out in the wash and you don’t
have to pull out a wet soaker prior to putting in in the laundry. Simplex also come in a one size option that I
am anxious to try out next.
ETC: As this is a sized diaper I have not tried it on my younger daughter yet but the more my older daughter wears it the more I love the diaper. I love how easy the diaper is to use and and trim the fit is. If they come out with more prints, I definitely will be buying more.
Number of uses: 7
Number of leaks: 0Longest wear without a leak: 2 hours, 15 minutes
Big Booty factor - 2
Best Use - Day time, out and about
Trim diaper· Insert detaches for washing
· Great selection of solid colors
· Slightly more bulky at the top in the back than other diapers
· Soaker has potential to get bunched up
Bestbottoms is another diaper that I ordered later in my trial, but I love this diaper and can’t wait to get more. It is an all in one diaper that has a snap out soaker, this makes for a faster drying time (and I like to line dry my shells and machine dry my soakers and inserts). It is very trim but doesn’t lay as flat at the top back of the diaper as the Peachy Green or Swaddlebees diapers. Bottombumpers also makes a one size diaper that I plan on trying soon as the diaper I tried was sized (medium). Overall this is a great diaper and the price is very reasonable considering that the insides are organic cotton and bamboo velour!
ETC: I have not used this diaper on my younger daughter yet as I only have the sized version. I have purchased two more Bottombumpers since this review and I love them. I really think that Bottombumpers has the best solids selection and I love the fit of these diapers.
Number of leaks: 5
Longest wear without a leak: 2 hours, 45 minutesBig Booty factor - Echo: 2
Big Booty factor – Omni: 4 (pocket and pod)
Best Use - Echo: Day time, out and about
Best Use - Omni: Day time (extended wear) and naps
Very trim diaper· Easiest size adjustment of the diapers I tried
· Shells are reusable
· More expensive than other options
· Soaker can move around and has the potential for leaks
SoftBums are another of my favorite diapers that I tried out. These come in two different types the Echo and the Omni. The Echo is a true all in two that has a snap in insert. The Omni is an all in two/pocket combination that has a snap in insert and also a pocket that can be stuffed. One of the best things about the SoftBums system is that it has a leg elastic that is tightened or loosed with their patented Slide to Size toggle system. This makes it so that you truly can get a custom fit; I prefer this system to the snap down system used for other one size diapers. The only con with the Slide to Size system is that once you get it set on one diaper, there isn’t any indicators of the setting (like the Fuzzibunz or Charley Banana) that help you set other diapers without having to try it on your baby. This is a very trim diaper and can fit at a very small size, stuffing the pocket on the Omni does make it significantly less trim though. Although the covers are reusable I did find that if my daughter had a messy poop in this diaper that the mess always got on the cover and therefore it could not be reused after. As noted with the Peachy Green, the all in two systems are not as husband or sitter/daycare friendly and removing the insert might require touching a wet or dirty spot.
3. Charlie Banana:
Number of uses: 5
Number of leaks: 0Longest wear without a leak: 2 hours
Big Booty factor: 2.5
Best Use: Daddy and Daycare
Easy size adjustment· Fit is not too trim not too bulky
· PUL is very sticky, harder to stuff than other pockets
· Pocket opening is in the front, more likely to touch wet parts
I received a Charley Banana in one of my mystery fluff
orders and was pleasantly surprised. I
didn’t have high expectations for a diaper sold at a major retailer but I
thought this diaper had a lot of positives.
The diaper is one size and the size is adjusted through the leg elastic
with a bra strap type adjustment. The
adjustment is similar to the Fuzzibunz but I prefer the Charley Banana system
because it can be adjusted along the full spectrum and not just to preset
holes, this makes it so that you can really customize the fit. This is a pocket diaper and once stuffed very
easy for husbands to use. Some downsides
that I noted are that the PUL is very sticky on the inside and therefore harder
to stuff and the opening for the pocket is in the front of the diaper and as
such I always had to touch a wet insert when removing it. One of the things that makes the Charlie
Banana and the Fuzzibunz better for dad or daycare is that they can’t screw up
the fit. With rise snaps on other pocket
diapers I have had other people unsnap them and then end up with a very wet
baby. Since the size adjustment is
hidden with these two diapers it is less likely to be messed with.
ETA: Of the mainstream pocket diapers this is one of my favorites. I have since purchased a few more and I like use them on my younger daughter. I realized that if I put the insert with the tag facing inside the diaper and at the opening that when I need to pull out the insert I can just grab the tag rather than grab squishy microfiber.
FuzziBunz One Size Elite:
Number of uses: 28
Number of leaks: 4Longest wear without a leak: 3 hours, 15 minutes
Big Booty factor: 2.5
Best Use: Daddy and Daycare
Easy size adjustment· Narrow, trim diaper
· PUL is very sticky, harder to stuff than other pockets
· Leg sizing adjustments are preset in the elastic and therefore not as customizable
Fuzzibunz was one of the first cloth diapers I
purchased. It came highly recommended
from a few friends and I liked the idea of the adjustment system. The one size diaper is sized through the leg
elastic. The elastic is stretched or
loosened and secured through holes in the elastic with a button on the inside
of the diaper. While I have not had any
problems with the fit of my Fuzzibuns, having set elastic openings makes it so
that the sizing is less customizable like the SoftBums or Charlie Bananas. I had the most leaks with my Fuzzibuns but I
should note that most of them were early on when I was still experimenting with
the sizing.
5. Grovia All in One:
Number of uses: 6
Number of leaks: 0Longest wear without a leak: 1 hour, 30 minutes
Big Booty factor: 2
Best Use: Daytime, Daddy and Daycare
· Trim diaper
· No stuffing required as soaker is attached
· Take a longer time to dry than other diapers
· One of the more expensive diapers
This is another diaper I received with my mystery fluff
order and I was so excited to try it out.
This was the first all in one diaper I tried and I was pleasantly
surprised. The print is fun and the fit
is great. I like that the soaker is only
attached in the back making for a faster drying time but still a longer drying
time than the other diapers I tried out.
Overall I really like this diaper, I find that it is a diaper that I
reach for frequently but just doesn’t have any features that make it really
6. Best Bottoms*:
Number of uses: 20
Number of leaks: 2Longest wear without a leak: 3 hours
Big Booty factor: 2.5
Best Use: Travel
Shells wipe clean and are reusable· Have both microfiber and hemp inserts
· Double gussets keep the mess in
· Inserts are thick and make diaper hard to get on tight enough
· Inserts leave outline on diaper and clothing
Overall I really like the idea of these diapers. The system includes covers with snap in
inserts. The cover can be wiped clean
and a new insert snapped in. Unlike
other All in Two systems reviewed the insert is snapped both in the front and
the back of the cover. The inserts are
hour glass shaped so they cover quite a bit and I did not have any leaks on the
covers. The reasons that I did not like this all in two system as much as the
others reviewed is that the inserts were thick and you can see the outline of
them through the cover and I could not get the diaper tight enough and they
would always leak out the top during nap times.
Overall though this is a great diaper for the diaper bag as you can just
pack the inserts. (On a side note I have been using the best bottoms cover over
prefolds and fitted diapers for my newborn and they work really well!)
7. Sunbaby (size 1):
Number of leaks: 0
Longest wear without a leak: 2 hours
Big Booty factor: 2.5
Best Use: Around the house, Daddy and Daycare
Offer two “sizes” for skinner or chubbier babies· Have cute prints that change periodically
· Inexpensive
· Have different insert options (microfiber, blend, bamboo)
· Smallest order is for 6 diapers
· Shipping from China can take 2-3 weeks
Sunbaby diapers are pocket diapers that can be ordered from the Sunbaby website or through a co-op and are made by a Chinese company. I received these diapers late in my trial but I can tell from the construction and the fit that I will like them a lot and therefore wanted to include them in my review. They have two different types, one for skinnier babies and one for chubbier babies. I ordered the skinny baby version and though for a cheap pocket they were pretty trim. I like that they change the prints periodically but overall I wasn’t very excited about the print selections, they were mostly neutral or boy colors and not really any girl colors. Overall the fit was really good and the inside was very soft. I never had a leak with these diapers and for the price (very cheap!) I was happy with the diapers. These diapers do not have any outstanding features but are good every day diapers.
8. Alva baby:
Number of uses: 19
Number of leaks: 1Longest wear without a leak: 3 hours
Big Booty factor: 4
Best Use: Around the house, Daddy and Daycare
Have a large selection of fun prints that change
periodically· Very Inexpensive
· Have different insert options (microfiber, blend, bamboo)
· Shipping from China can take 2-3 weeks
· Quality is not as good as other diapers
Alva diapers offer a bunch of different colors, patterns and fabrics. They also have their regular diapers (3.0) and color snap diapers (4.0). The major difference between the two is the 4.0s have double gussets, snap in insert and the pocket opens in the front and the back. Overall I liked the Alva diapers I tried. The quality of the materials used is definitely not as good as the other diapers I tried but for the price they work well. I noticed that I normally reached for this diaper when we were going to be at home or during naps.
ETA: Overall these diapers are decent. For a cheap diaper I think they work really well, but I prefer the Sunbaby diapers that I have. I have not tried Alva baby diapers on my younger daughter but they are much larger than my other diapers so although they might "fit" I think they will be very bulky.
Good Night Heavy Wetter (pictured) and Minky
Number of uses: 18Number of leaks: 2
Longest wear without a leak: 3 hours
Big Booty factor: 5
Best Use: Around the house, Daddy and Daycare
Inexpensive· Easy to stuff
· Very wide crotch
· Bulky
Kawaii diapers have different options but the two I tried out were the Good Night Heavy Wetter and the Minky diapers. I would say that these diapers were just average in my mind. The crotch is very wide making it very easy to stuff but also bulkier. The fabrics were cute and each diaper comes with two of the same sized inserts so the pocket can be double stuffed. Overall these diapers worked fine but they did not have any qualities that were exciting to me.
ETA: I have also not tried this diaper on my younger daughter. Although it is a one size diaper it is very bulky on my older daughter so I imagine it would be very bulky on my younger daughter.
BumGenius 4.0*:
Number of uses: 10
Number of leaks: 1Longest wear without a leak: 2 hours, 45 minutes
Big Booty factor: 5
Best Use: Around the house, Daddy and Daycare
· Adjustable inserts fit all sizes
· Insides do not stay tucked into diaper well
· Bulky
11. Rumparooz*:
Number of uses: 8
Number of leaks: 2Longest wear without a leak: 3 hours, 15 minutes
Big Booty factor: 4.5
Best Use: Around the house, Daddy and Daycare
Double gussets hold in all messes· Adjustable inserts fit all sizes
· Bulkiest of the diapers that I tried
The BumGenius 4.0 and Rumparooz diapers were my least favorite of the diapers I tried out. I thought they were very bulky without offering much extra protection. Additionally for the price I didn’t feel like they performed any better than cheaper diapers. Overall though I only had one leak with the BumGenius (my sitter unsnapped the rise snaps so I don’t think it really counts) and none with the Rumparooz so they did prove to be a solid diaper with good performance, just not my favorite and nothing really special about them.
there was not a diaper that I tried that did not “work” well (e.g. keep in
messes) but there are a few that I preferred over others. My favorite is definitely the Peachy Green
Sprout Up All in Two diaper. The fit is
amazing and I like that you can reuse the shell. If I was starting from scratch I would also
buy a few Peachy Green Solo Luxe, Bottombumpers and Swaddlebees Simplex 2.0s. These are all great diapers that were trim
and worked well. Although these diapers
are perfect for me (the parent that has done all of the research and knows what
covers are reusable, what aren’t and if the soaker should be snapped in or not)
having a few pocket diapers on hand are great for my
husband, I notice that he reaches for these a lot. My preference because of the price and fit would be Sunbaby diapers or Fuzzibunz if you are buying from a more mainstream store. Because I like the All in Two systems and
because they really fit the best from birth on I would also invest in a few
Softbums for my stash. I know that these will truely fit from birth to potty training and they have nice colors and fun prints. In the end I
would say that I am glad I have a variety of diapers, they all serve different purposes
and it is fun to mix it up. A perfect
stash in my opinion is not made up of all of one diaper but rather a few (or 10
different types.
I compiled all of the data I was surprised to see that I used the diapers I
liked the least more frequently than the diapers I liked the most. I explained it to my husband like this: you
don’t wear your best perfume to sit around the house you save it for when you
are going out and wearing something nice.
My favorite diapers are kind of like that, after I am done with the wash
I don’t want to use them and “waste” it on sitting around the house, I
preferred to grab my least favorite diapers for times like that. As I have a newborn and have been spending a
lot of time at home I think this helps account for the discrepancy.
have really enjoyed my trial and I look forward to discovering and trying more
diapers, as long as my husband doesn’t take away my credit card first!
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