Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Mom and Toddler Matching Ring Slings

We are more than half way through International Babywearing Week and I have another fun post today.  When my second daughter was a baby a friend shared a tutorial with me on how to make a ring sling and I even did a tutorial review on the one I used.  Every year between June and September my daughter has 5 little friends that have birthdays and I love to make them fun presents.  Last year I made them babydoll diaper bags and diapers and this year I decided to make them baby doll ring slings. 
I found this tutorial by and I love the pocket it creates and the Velcro safety feature.  This was also a really easy project, so that is always a plus.  But my FAVORITE part of this project is that you can use leftover material from your own ring sling to make a ring sling for a child.  This would be a perfect gift for a mom that has a toddler: mommy gets to carry baby with ease and the toddler gets to mimic it with their own sling.
To make matching ring slings you will buy 2.5 yards of your selected materials (I like a solid and a matching print).  For the adult ring sling you will cut the sling 30 inches wide by 2.5 yards long.  When you cut the width so that it is 30 inches this will leave you with a piece that is 14-30 inches wide depending upon the original width of your materials (44-60 inches).  The majority of the material I use is 44 inches wide so I will assume that as I write these instructions. 
Using the 14 inch wide by 90 inch long remnant, cut the piece in half length wise so that you have two pieces that are each 14x45.  Placing right sides together sew or serge them together.  This will give you a 28x45 inch piece, you can either use this piece or cut it down to be 20x45.  From here you can follow the instructions for the baby doll sling
Easy as can be you have matching mom and toddler ring slings!!!

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